7th HomomorphicEncryption.org Standards Meeting

Date: Sunday October 13, 2024
Location: Salt Lake City, UT USA

Co-located with:
– Oct. 14th, 2024: WAHC 2024 – 12th Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography
– Oct. 15th-17th 2024: ACM CCS 2024 conference

Register for Event

Click the button below to go to a Luma page to pay to register for the event. Registration is priced at $90 per participant. Please note that registration closes on Oct. 1st!

You can also register by clicking this link to go to a Luma page to pay the registration fee. All collected registration fees will be spent on the event. The organizers are not running this event at a profit. Email contact@homomorphicencryption.org with registration questions.

This meeting is co-located with WAHC and ACM CCS but is independent of these two events. This meeting is organized by the HomomorphicEncryption.org steering committee members.


Based on the success of our previous standards meetings, and the founding of the HomomorphicEncryption.org group, we are pleased to announce the 7th HomomorphicEncryption.org Workshop. The workshop is targeted at application developers, security practitioners, and homomorphic encryption experts. Along with technical standards discussions, the program also includes sessions on software tools for developing and benchmarking homomorphic encryption solutions, hardware acceleration approaches, and industry applications of homomorphic encryption. The workshop is also a great place for PhD students to meet representatives from industry and academia. 

We will return to the US for this event, with a clear target to strengthen the engagement with the broader FHE and cybersecurity communities and raise awareness among end-users and potential adopters of homomorphic encryption. 

Please note that the workshop will take place in-person. If you would like to contribute to, or suggest, topics in the agenda, please, let us know.

Thanks in advance. We are looking forward to seeing you in Salt Lake City!


Email contact@homomorphicencryption.org with registration questions.

Register for Event

Click the button above to go to a Luma page where you can pay to register for the meeting. You can also click this link to go to the Luma page to pay to register for the event. Registration costs $90, and includes attendance to the event, food and snacks. All collected registration fees will be spent on the event. The organizers are not running this event at a profit.

Steering Committee

Jung Hee Cheon (SNU/CryptoLab, jhcheon@snu.ac.kr)
Kristin Lauter (Meta)
Kurt Rohloff (Duality Technologies, krohloff@dualitytech.com)
Rachel Player (Royal Holloway, Rachel.Player@rhul.ac.uk)
Ro Cammarota (Intel Corp., rosario.cammarota@intel.com)
Shai Halevi (AWS)
Yuriy Polyakov (Duality Technologies, ypolyakov@dualitytech.com)

Breakout Sessions

Like all of our standards meetings, breakout sessions are a big part of our gathering and effort so we can make focused progress on specific time-sensitive and important aspects of our community development. If you attend, you will be invited to attend at least one of the breakout groups of your choice.

This year we are planning on the following break-out groups:

  • Security. This breakout session focuses on developing community consensus on recent document “Security Guidelines for Implementing Homomorphic Encryption”. We expect to develop written feedback on two possible aspects for future development of this document, specifically 1) the IND-CPA^D security notion and 2) the secure use of sparse secrets in practice.
  • Compilers & Tools. This breakout session focuses on further existing work on compilers and tools in our community, in furtherance of both emerging techniques relevant to real-world application and socializing perceived needs in this domain.
  • Use Cases & Benchmarking. This breakout session focuses on both applications where FHE provides real-world value, and benchmarks that allow solution providers and users to asses the performance of solutions. Example use-cases may include ML/AI applications where the model or the query must remain secret, data-access with private queries such as PIR or PSI, and simple general-purpose program such as smart contacts in web3 architectures. A major goal of this breakout session is to continue community efforts to develop a benchmarking suite for FHE, with concrete workloads relevant to real-world applications, and the performance characteristics.
  • Hardware Interfaces. This breakout session focuses on sharing advances in latest standards efforts, both de-facto and formal, around hardware-software interfaces for FHE. Recent work from large hardware vendors, FHE-focused start-ups and open-source software community efforts will be highlighted.


The meeting will be a single-day event. Food and Coffee will be provided.

Joint session 1
10:00 Start / Welcome & Introduction from the Steering Committee
10:10 Keynote: TBA
11:00 Standardization updates: ISO, NIST
11:30 Coffee break (provided)

Joint session 2
11:45 Quickfire community updates
12:00 Introduction to the breakout sessions: Security, Compilers & Tools, Use Cases & Benchmarking, Hardware Interfaces

13:00 Lunch (provided)

Breakout sessions
14:00 Breakout groups collaborate/discuss
16:40 Coffee break (provided)

Joint session 3
17:00 Summary of breakout sessions
18:00 Announcement of next HE.org meeting
18:10 Community discussion: next steps, reflections, comments

18:30 Official close of meeting. Optional evening networking